Abstract Submission Guidelines

Please read the following carefully to ensure you are prepared for submission and your abstract conforms to the requirements for the abstract module.

  1. You will be asked to submit 2 titles
    1. The Full Title
    2. A short title limited to 100 characters. This title will be listed in the program
  2. Abstract body is limited to 1760 characters.
  3. You will be asked to select one of the following topics for your abstract
    1. Allergy/Immunology
    2. Basic Science Rhinology
    3. Clinical Rhinology 1 (CRS)
    4. Clinical Rhinology 2 (Not CRS)
    5. Pediatric Rhinology
    6. Plastic & Reconstructive
    7. Skull Base
    8. Other
  4. You must select a Presentation Type
    1. Poster Presentation
    2. Oral Presentation
    3. Oral Presentation - Journal Exempt (please read the below information carefully)

Important Information for Oral Presentations

Acceptance of an abstract for oral presentation mandates submission of the manuscript to the International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology (IFAR). Presentations may have been previously presented at other conferences, but the work MUST NOT have been published.

The manuscript submission deadline will be posted for each individual meeting.

If a manuscript is not received prior to presentation, all manuscript authors are prohibited from oral abstract presentations at Society meetings for 2 years.

Presenters wishing to submit their work to a different journal must make an exemption request at the time of abstract submission.

Requests for manuscript submission exemption must adhere to the following process as described in the ARS Policies and Procedures:

  1. The external journal must have an impact factor greater than the most recent IFAR impact factor, and cannot be within the field of Otorhinolaryngology.
  2. If the submitted manuscript is rejected by the external journal, the author may re-submit to different external journal(s) as long as the same criteria are met (i.e. outside of Otorhinolaryngology journals and impact factor greater than IFAR).
  3. If the manuscript is rejected by the external journal(s), the author must submit to IFAR before submitting to another Otorhinolaryngology journal or any journal with an impact factor lower than IFAR.
  4. The manuscript must be submitted to the outside journal by the manuscript deadline of the ARS meeting at which the abstract will be presented. A receipt of submission from the outside journal must be emailed to the chair of the Research and Grants committee at [email protected] by the manuscript deadline of the ARS meeting at which the abstract will be presented.
  5. The final manuscript must be submitted to Wendi Perez ([email protected]) by the manuscript deadline of the ARS meeting at which the abstract will be presented for session moderator review.
  6. Submit your exemption request using the IFAR Exemption Request Form

Links to the Exemption Request Form will be available within the abstract submission module.

For abstracts that are accepted for a Journal Exempt Oral Presentation, strict adherence to the above policies is required. Those who fail to submit the exemption request in a timely fashion or do not adhere to the requirements above will have the following options:

  1. Submit manuscript to IFAR in lieu of the outside journal and proceed with oral presentation
  2. Change presentation type to Poster Presentation
  3. Withdraw the abstract